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John Croft

Pic of JohnJohn was born and grew up in the North West of NSW. After completing his HSC at Inverell High he studied Computer Science at Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga where he received an Associate Diploma in Computer Science.

He moved to Sydney in the early 80's and began working in the IT industry. With the introduction of the IBM PC computer, small computer businesses appeared all over the country and John was offered a position back in Wagga, which he readily accepted. While working in this role of computer sales, training and support, John recognised the need for custom-written accounting software.

In 1986 John started his own computer consultancy company, Croft Computer Services, specialising in software development. Apart from a name change and the introduction of partner, Ian Davidson in 2000, this business continues today, offering software solutions and support to companies across the eastern states of Australia.

Contact John at our Armidale office on (02) 6775 2535, mob 0428 752 526, or by email to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Ian Davidson

Pic of IanAfter graduating with a degree in Agricultural Economics from Sydney University in 1977, Ian worked for agricultural machinery & truck manufacturer International Harvester Australia Ltd until being retrenched in 1983 whilst the company was in receivership. Not long after that he became interested in the potential of using computers in business and began studying the discipline at Riverina-Murray Institute of Higher Education (RMIHE) - now Charles Sturt University (CSU). His first real-world program was an inventory management system he wrote in 1985, running on an Apple II-compatible microcomputer. It was loaded from the then-latest storage media, a 5¼" floppy disk, and ran in less than 32 Kb of memory - smaller than a typical one-page Word document today!

He was awarded a Graduate Diploma in Computing (with Distinction) from RMIHE in 1988.

In 1986 Ian started working at RMIHE and after graduating became a Systems Analyst in the Office of the Bursar. After administrative restructures as part of the creation of CSU Ian moved into the Division of Information Technology as a Networks Officer and continued in that Division until 2000, the last few years as a member of the Administrative Programming team, working on major University systems but also with particular expertise in PC programs and web applications for the University's intranet.

In May 2000 Ian joined John in forming what was to become CDA Software. He is married to Sally and has three children. They have lived in Wagga Wagga since 1980.

Contact Ian at our Wagga Wagga office on (02) 6925 2774, mob 0427 262 091, or by email to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Michael Kent

Pic of MichaelMichael graduated from Charles Sturt University (CSU) with a Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) in 2002, and started work at CDA Software in 2003.

Michael's role at CDA is primarily that of programmer, wherein he is responsible for developing and maintaining many of our applications. However, he is also involved in the web development, and hardware facets of the business.

Michael is currently backpacking through Europe for an extended and indefinite period of time, but we hope to see him back here at CDA on his return to Australia. In the meantime you can read his travel diary here.

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