We specialise in developing software that's designed from the ground up to match the specific needs of particular user groups. To do that we work very closely with them. We don't write "one size fits all" software or aim to be the biggest in the business. We do strive for a close relationship with our user groups and to provide products of a superior quality that provide a much closer fit between features and needs than any generic program can provide.
Whether you have an idea for a new program that we could develop and market, or you're looking for an experienced application provider to develop something purely for your own in-house use, please
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us for an initial discussion and assessment without obligation! We're always looking out for new projects.
We also often design and create modules, custom reports etc. that interface or share data with another one of our programs. Sometimes these can be one-off, private projects that only you get, but more usually we incorporate the work into general releases.
If you would like to suggest a new feature in, or a modification to, one of our existing products and which would probably be of general interest, we suggest you use the product-specific Forum to firstly see whether it has already been discussed, and then if not, outline your idea. Of course if you would prefer to keep your idea private then contact us by email or phone direct!
See also our Custom Programming FAQ