Do you have a small-to-medium business, or are you involved in the administration of a school, club. association or church? Maybe you already have a website. When was the last time you updated it? How long did it take? When was the last time you backed it up? Your value to your organization isn't in running your website, but you're too small to have an IT department. For schools and non-profit organizations in particular, your existing web site may have been created and maintained by a volunteer who has since moved on, lost interest or become too busy with other things. Before you know it, it's well out of date, the content is irrelevant and people stop visiting it.
You need someone to help. Yes, this is a crowded field. It seems like every new University IT graduate becomes an instant Web designer. So why should you choose CDA for your website? Read on to see how you can be online with a Web in a Week, and have a smarter website that's fully-featured yet easier to update and maintain...
Your website needs to be placed on a web server configured for public access over the internet. Like the overwhelming majority of web designers & builders, we don't provide hosting servers ourselves - it's a specialized field requiring complex infrastructure and redundant, high-bandwidth communication links to do properly, and we'd rather concentrate on those areas we're experts in, closer to our clients.